Amethyst Crystal Chip Necklace


Polished amethyst crystals made into a necklace.

1 in stock


The overall length of the necklace is 32 inches or 81cm. Most crystal chips vary between 4-8mm across.
Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, “not” and μεθύσκω methysko / μεθώ metho, “intoxicate”, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness!
The wonderfully coloured amethyst, with its variety of shades of purple reminds us of the spiritual thread that runs through our life and can be used as a tool to aid spiritual awakening and intuition. Amethyst can bring a calming influence and therefore be of great help in times of change. It’s excellent to hold or have by you when you’re practicing meditation and when placed in a room it can help absorb negativity. Placed under the pillow it may help you sleep better.


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