
Summer Solstace!

June 2, 2020 0 By Saranne Mallinson

This year is somewhat different with Coronavirus and social distancing, so how will you be having a #SafeSummerSolstace?  Normal trips to Stonehenge and large gatherings will be out of the question, but fortunately a few innovative people have come up with some ideas! Here are a few that I have found:


Virtual Summer Solstace Ceremony

The Folkstone Pagan Circle will be hosting a virtual circle to mark this powerful, energetic time of year, as we celebrate the Sun in His power, and prepare for the time ahead

Summer Solstice at Stonehenge: Live!

Hosted by Heritage England this event is on Saturday, 20 June 2020 from 20:30-05:30.

The will be live coverage of both sunset and sunrise means you won’t miss a moment of this special occasion.  Cameras will capture the best views of Stonehenge, allowing you to connect with this spiritual place from the comfort of your own home. I’m not sure if there will be a ceremony or ritual because they haven’t announced their full schedule yet.

Glastonbury Virtual Summer Solstice

Hosted by Glastonbury Information Centre, streaming will start from 04.30 BST (03.30 GMT) so they can capture the sunrise at 04.55 BST (03.55 GMT). Following this they will have a multifaith ceremony and family activities, including singing, crafts and music.

Solstace Sunrise Ceremony

Completely online, The Folkestone Pagan Circle will be livestreaming the solstace sunrise on 21st June with a solitary ceremony.

Summer Solstace Sunrise Ceremony

Another solitary short ceremony and drumming in the rising sun.

Summer Solstace Gathering

The Kent Goddess Group will be having an online gathering on Sunday, 21 June 2020 from 13:00-15:00.

This will be an online event so if you indicate yourself as “going” on Facebook, they will forward you the Zoom meeting room details.

Wear blue and bring a snack for after the ritual.

Summer solstice this year in the UK will be at 22:43 on Saturday, 20 June, and the Summer Solstace Sunrise will depend on where you are on Sunday 21st June, and where your chosen event is.

In Crawley, sunrise will be 04.46.